Deca-Durabolin is a Nandrolone based steroid attached to the Decanoate ester with immense power due to its intrinsic properties. While there are many Nandrolone forms Nandrolone-Decanoate is the most common form among anabolic steroid users and it is the form known as Deca-Durabolin that most associate with the compound as that is the label name Organon gave its product. As Organon is one of the oldest and most respected human pharmaceutical companies all Nandrolone-Decanoate is commonly referred to as Deca-Durabolin. To fully understand this hormonal compound we only need to understand the active hormone Nandrolone and how the long ester Decanoate affects its release and mode of action. By understanding both aspects we can fully understand its benefits, how it effects the body and how best to supplement with use.
Deca-Durabolin is a 19-nor anabolic steroid based on the hormone Nandrolone which is a hormone found naturally in the human body, although in much smaller quantities when compared to other steroidal hormones of a similar class such as testosterone. Nandrolone is largely responsible for growth within the body as is evident as it was synthesized to treat severe cases of anemia. By supplementing with Deca-Durabolin we actively increase the amount of Nandrolone in our system thereby increasing growth of muscle tissue, as well as increasing hemoglobin and red blood cell count and nitrogen retention; all of which further lead to muscle tissue growth and regeneration. Nandrolone is a very powerful anabolic that does not convert to estrogen to a high degree as do many anabolic steroidal hormones but some conversion does exist.
As Deca-Durabolin is a Nandrolone attached to the Decanoate ester it is a very slow acting steroid but long lasting in effects. This particular steroidal compound carries with it a very long half-life of approximately 15 days; this is about as long as a half-life will ever be for an anabolic steroid with only Undecanoate ester based steroids being any longer. Because Deca-Durabolin is such a long ester based steroid the active hormone will not bring forth noticeable action for approximately 4 weeks after initial administration, however, because it is a long ester based hormonal compound its effects will stretch far past discontinuation of use.
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The Benefits of Deca-Durabolin
The benefits of Deca-Durabolin are very simple but as this is a very powerful anabolic they are very great. By understanding what Nandrolone does understanding the benefits of Deca-Durabolin should be fairly simple; increased muscle mass and increased strength. While these are the two most prominent effects there is the added benefit of joint relief as well by means of a secondary nature; for this reason many athletes will supplement with Deca-Durabolin even when not in a gaining phase in order to obtain such relief.
To give you an idea of how powerful this hormone is even small therapeutic doses can cause large increases in weight by increasing lean mass and this is achieved largely due to its nitrogen retention abilities. Those who supplement with Deca-Durabolin will find their muscle holds a far greater amount of nitrogen than without; as we understand being in a state of positive nitrogen retention is highly anabolic. This state of being can lead to vast although slow increases in muscle tissue and while that can lead to mass, coupled with increased collagen synthesis we experience a nice buildup in strength as well. Of equal importance if not even greater is the effect Nandrolone has on the production of IGF 1, a very powerful anabolic hormone in its own right belonging to the peptide class. While these potent anabolic qualities are very apt towards building mass and increasing strength they prove due to their action to readily promote a greater metabolic rate; this simply means we are able to build a larger, yet leaner and more powerful physique; as you can see Nandrolone is one amazing hormone.
The Side-Effects of Deca-Durabolin
All steroidal hormones carry with them possible negative side-effects, as do all medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike; Deca-Durabolin makes no exception. By far the most prominent side-effect is testosterone suppression; while all anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production to one degree or another Deca-Durabolin will do so in a far more pronounced manner. One dosing of this Nandrolone will result in complete testosterone suppression, even a very low dose will have this effect. For this reason it is very important to supplement with testosterone when we supplement with Deca-Durabolin; failure to do so will result in leaving the body completely testosterone deficient. Most will find a 2:1 ratio of Test:Deca to be sufficient but for some the need for testosterone to be slightly higher than this will prove to be a reality.
While this hormonal compound does not aromatize to high degree some aromatizing effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids can occur; while these are largely dose dependent ones sensitivity also comes into play. Further, when used for performance enhancing purposes these effects will assuredly be a reality as the dosing will necessarily be higher than simple therapeutic use in order to achieve a desired end result. Further, because Deca-Durabolin is a progestin by-which it will raise progesterone levels in the body, coupled with even a slight aromatase effect this can lead to Gynecomastia and excess water retention most commonly but this can easily be alleviated by the use of a quality aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex or Letrozole.
Deca-Durabolin & Durabolin
As we now readily understand Deca-Durabolin is simply Nandrolone with the Decanoate ester attached and there are many other Nandrolone based steroidal compounds. While Deca-Durabolin is the most common and popular form Durabolin is a close second, especially in recent years. Durabolin is simple a Nandrolone hormone attached to the Phenylpropionate ester; a much shorter ester, thereby bringing benefit faster yet not as long lasting. The mode of action regarding the hormone Nandrolone does not change due to one form or the other being used; only the ester is different. Regardless of which form you use for each 100mg your apply, while Durabolin will provide slightly more active Nandrolone per mg than Deca-Durabolin due to the total mass of the Phenylpropionate ester being less than the Decanoate ester the difference is so slight it is meaningless; the same benefits are to be obtained with either form as the same active hormone is present in both. This is important because for years many misconceptions have led many to believe these two compounds differ greatly when the opposite is true. However, we must admit there is a slight difference as Durabolin or NPP as it’s commonly called seems to produce less water retention than its brother Deca-Durabolin.
Deca-Durabolin Cycles & Doses
Because it is so apt for strength and size most will use Deca-Durabolin during a bulking cycle; further, as water retention can be a problem when this steroid is used this makes periods of bulking or gaining the optimal time for use. However, as we’ve discussed excess water retention can be controlled through the use of a quality aromatase inhibitor and for this reason, as this is a powerful anabolic, many competitive bodybuilders will include Deca-Durabolin in their contest prep cycles. In most cases this will be done during the front end of the contest prep cycle in an effort to preserve muscle tissue and hold on to strength. However, many will run a low dose of the steroid almost the entire length of their contest prep in order to maintain joint comfort as discomfort can become quite serious when body-fat levels drop to very low levels.
For the majority, bulking will be the primary mode of use and as this is a very slow acting but long lasting steroid and as it is generally well-tolerated by most who use it, necessarily use will extend into several months if benefits are to be enjoyed. Generally Deca-Durabolin will need to be administered for at least 8 weeks with 12 weeks being optimal and 16 weeks being safe and highly effective for most individuals. Shorter duration will prove to be useless as it will take a good 4 weeks for the active benefits to begin to show making 4-6 week runs of the compound utterly useless. Most will find a dose of 200mg per week to be the minimum dosing to obtain benefits associated with growth, although a mere 100mg per week is often all that is used if joint relief is the primary concern. While 200mg is enough to spur growth most will find 400mg a week for approximately 12 weeks to be nearly a perfect dose and time frame for Deca-Durabolin use. Keep in mind, you must ensure you take enough testosterone with your Deca-Durabolin to ensure you keep enough active testosterone flowing in the body. For those who are looking for more of a bump 600mg per week can be successfully used, however, this is only recommended for those who have used the hormone before and understand how their bodies will react and how well they will tolerate this powerful Nandrolone; even so, many will find 400mg to be all they ever need regardless of how experienced they are.
Regardless of how much or for how long you supplement with Deca-Durabolin you will need to run a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) plan following use; failure to do so will result in continued suppression of your natural testosterone production. Further and of equal importance, because this is such a long acting steroid a proper PCT plan will and should not begin until at least 3 weeks have passed since your last injection of the hormone. For this reason, many steroid users will discontinue all Deca-Durabolin use a week or two before the total cycle ends in order to ease into a PCT more efficiently and sooner; the sooner we can enter PCT the greater the benefits we will enjoy as our recovery process begins sooner.
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