Throughout the world there are many topics of discussion that are often very confusing, that often carry with them a host of varying opinions and in such cases there are often outright and ridiculous accusations. When a topic goes beyond simple rational discussion it often evolves into a state of high emotional debate and when such an end occurs the truth is often lost. Regardless of the subject such an occurrence can occur on both sides of the fence, regardless of ones position on the subject matter. The effects of steroids is such a topic as the truth behind these supplemental hormones has been long lost on the majority of society due to an emotionally based outcry by those who oppose their very existence. While such an occurrence is unfortunate it is not hard to believe, for when you desire one end yet the facts do not support it, if you are truly adamant in your stance it is easy to be swayed by your emotional state and make any claim necessary to support your action. As the old saying goes “it’s not a lie if you believe it” and unfortunately this has become the subconscious mantra of many in the anti-steroid population and their weapon of choice in debating the effects of steroids.
For the majority of the anti-steroid population, when the ridiculous accusations are confronted simple statements are often offered in defense; they are simply looking out for the well-being and health of society and in the United States the defense is often added with it doesn’t matter, they’re illegal to use so deal with it. Even a child of very limited understanding can see the flaw in such a defense; most all desire the freedom to choose what is best for them and most all will agree a law, regardless of the subject does not make it just simply because it exists. If the law states air is illegal to breath would this make it a good law; of course not, thereby making such an argument and point of defense mute.
We have taken some of the most common points and claims revolving around the effects of steroids often used and stated by the anti-steroid population in defense of anabolic steroids forever being left in the waste bin of life. We have taken many of these claims directly from websites such as the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Institute of Health and from the Congressional Library findings derived from the Steroid Control Acts. With each claim and accusation we have left you with the truth in the matter, free from emotional bias and outcry as such provides no reasoning or advantage in educating the individual. While you will find there is much more to learn regarding the effects of steroids hopefully this will give you a good starting point and peak your curiosity into delving in deeper and truly finding the truth for yourself.
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Steroid raw powders |
- Claim:
The effects of steroids and the use thereof have far reaching consequences including the possibility of death.
- Truth:
There has never been a death linked directly to or attributed to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids. With nearly 100 years of use and availability not once has such a death occurred. There have been deaths where anabolic steroids were found in the individuals system at the time of death but there has never been evidence that death was brought on by such substances. Further, there have been many deaths where anabolic steroids were found in the individuals system as well as many other drugs, often drugs of a recreational nature or those used as painkillers. Evidence has shown that mixing such drugs with anabolic steroids can have a serious adverse effect but no evidence exists that supports the link between death and the effects of steroids.
- Claim:
The effects of steroids include chemical dependency and physical addiction as well as altering effects on the brain. By this basis and the testimony to support such a claim the U.S. Congress passed the original Steroid Control Act of 1990.
- Truth:
During the original Steroid Control Act hearings congress called upon the American Medical Association (AMA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute of Health (NIH), as well as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in hopes that they would back and support the assumptions and testimonies already provided to congress at this time; however, this is not what occurred. Every agency called to testify opposed the proposed legislation intended to Schedule anabolic androgenic steroids and they did not simply oppose it but did so with fervor. By the findings of the 5 agencies called to testify all stated there was no evidence that anabolic steroids could or would lead to any state of dependency on a physical or psychological level as was a requirement for such action to be taken. Not only did they testify that no such adverse reaction could occur but that the effects of steroids even when abused would not produce this end.
- Claim:
The use of anabolic steroids will cause an increase in aggression that will alter ones personality and lead to uncontrollable outburst of both verbal and physical behavior. By its nature such an effect is known as “Roid Rage” and by its existence anabolic steroids should not be used outside of medical practice as the psychological effects of steroids are indeed too great of a risk.
- Truth:
As evident by the testimony by the 5 agencies during the original Steroid Control Act of 1990 we understand the effects of steroids in no shape or form alter the brain in any way. Since that time countless studies have shown and given strength to the argument that states “Roid Rage” is in-fact a myth; none was ever as revealing as the 1996 study done by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) “The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men.” In the study performed with 40 men, 20 receiving doses three times the amount of the highest standard therapeutic dose of testosterone the NEJM determined the effects on mood and behavior to be so small they were of no significant nature and that there was no means of measuring any change as it was either so small or non-existent. Let’s be clear, while the NEJM study and the testimony of the AMA in particular during the Steroid Control Act hearings solidifies Roid Rage being a myth it is true the effects of steroids can increase aggression. However, aggression is not rage, aggression is not an alteration of thought and action, it is not a means of loss of self-control; it is simply increased aggression. What an individual does with such aggression is still in their total control; if they are a jerk by nature and they supplement with anabolic steroids, guess what, they’ll be a more aggressive jerk. However, for the sane, for the everyday man, increased aggression will do little more than allow him to push harder when he trains or performs and this is a welcomed attribute to any athlete.
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