
The Information Of Primobolan Injectable

Anabolic Steroid--Primobolan Steroid

The injectable Primobolan steroid has the same characteristics as Primobolan pills, but there are some differences between the two pharmaceutical products.

The Primobolan pills contain the acetate form of methenolone ,while the injectable Primobolan is the enanthate form of  methenolone. For the majority of athletes the methenolon enanthate is just a form with longer action of Primobolan. This way the injectable Primobolan must be administrate once a week due to the long period action, while the pills must be taken daily. When using injectable Primobolan in doses of 20mg/week a small retain of water in organism may happened which allows the increase in strenght and weight. A beginner in steroid treatment, when is taken a 200mg dose/ week can achieve great results, in period of eight weeks  can gain up to 6-7 kg in weight, without loseing this kg after treatment.
The injectable Primobolan is a steroid base by its primary anabolic action , but with a smaller action than Deca-Durabolin. The Primobolan steroid can be efficient combined with most steroids.

The recommended dose of injectable Primobolan is 200-400mg/week although  there are sportsmen that use daily vials of 100mg. The injectable Primobolan  doesn’t transform into estrogen, but in some cases it retain  water in the organism.

Adverse reactions when using injectable Primobolan are minimal and appear only to those people who are very sensitive, as acne, voice thickening, fast increasing of hair. The injectable  product has a smaller influence in the function of the liver, although increasing the index of the liver is lightly probable. The arterial pressure and the level of cholesterol is maintained like in case of using the Primobolan pills, in normal limits.

Generally, the injectable Primobolan is the most efficient cure of the entire injectable steroids. The sportsman who have the liver index very high but they still want to use steroids can try combinations of Primobolan with Deca-Durabolin and Andriol, but they have to go regular to a check-up.

Side effects of Primobolan Steroid (injectable)
A famous bodybuilder from Germany who won awards using a frequently dose of alchylate  17-alfa, as Dianaboland Anapolon 50, admitted he suffered changes of liver index.After that,he followed a steroid treatment by taking 200mg of injectable Primobolan/week, 400mg of Deca-Durabolin/week and 240mg of Andriol/day and after combining those steroids his liver didn’t suffer any change.

The injectable Primobolan, as the pills, have an insignificant effect on the arc “hypothalamus - hipophyse – testicle” meaning that the level of endogene testosterone decrease only when Primobolan it is used in high doses and in a long period of time.

The women  prefer the pills, but there are some who inject weekly approximately 100-200mg of Primobolan. After taking some tests it was revealed that taking 100mg of injectable Primobolan/ week with 50mg of Winstrol/ week has a good result on most women  without the masculinity side effects. It is important that between the injections must be a break of 3-4 days to avoid the accumulation of androgen in the organism.

For professional bodybuilders this combination is very weak. The injectable Primobolan steroid is usually used in doses of 100mg/ week to overcome the steroid pause without appearing the catabolic phase, but the continues administration of anabolic steroids has a negative effect over the endogenous production of testosterone and stops  this function . Although a dose of 100mg injectable Primobolan or 50mg of Deca-Durabolin/week isn’t toxic and many times doesn’t produce adverse reactions there are some incertitudes when it comes to their action, because both of them, administrated in that doses are to weak to overcome the catabolic faze in the steroid break. After taking the tests it was discovered that in the case of administrating Clenbuterol the results are better and the hormonal system isn’t affected. The athlete who want to administrate a product during a steroid break  , can take injectable Testosterone Enanthate every 2-3 weeks.
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