How Do Steroids Work?
In the general public, there's a lot of confusion about steroids. I have my own opinion, just like everyone else, but if you talk to people who have responsibly used steroids, and people who know people who have responsibly used steroids, you'll get an opinion much different from the general one propograted by the media.
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How Do Steroids Work? |
Steroids are drugs, no doubt, just like alchohol is a drug, or aspirin, or anti-biotics. Like any drug, they have the potential for abuse. Their use causes certain certains results adn has teh potential for certain side effects. When not used responsibly, steroids can cause injury or even death. But you know what? The same could be said for McDonald's cheeseburgers. Eaten responsibly, McDonald's cheeseburger won't cause a problem. But eat 10 a day and see what happens: weight gain, obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease... see my point?
There's also the perception that all you need to do to get huge is take steroids. Not true. Steroids have a very powerful potential to enhance your body ability to heal and build muscle. But just taking steroids and sitting on your ass (and eating McDonald's cheeseburgers) isn't going to accomplish anything. Steroids work, but they only work in conjunction with a good workout routine and a proper diet. The better your routine and the better your diet, the more benefit you'll realize from steroids.
There's plenty of research as to the why and how steroids do what they do, and plenty of people have gone before and figured out the best ways to get the biggest benefits with the fewest side effects.
Anabolic-andorgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic (man-made) versions of the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone has both anabolic and androgenic effects. The increase of lean muscle mass is an example of an anabolic effect, while growth of male breast tissue is an example of and androgenic effect.
Any Drug You Take Has Two Types of Effects:
1. Therapeutic effects are those that affect the condition the the drug is intended to address (for example, the therapeutic effect of aspirin is to reduce pain).
2. Non-therapeutic effects are additonal effects of the drug that don't address the condition. These are also called side effects.
Now the way drugs work is directly on the cells of the body. Your cell have what are called receptors that are like switches that turn on or turn off an action. When you ingest a drug, it's attracted to and fills the relevant receptor on teh cell, and by so doing tells the cell to either start or stop a particular action. It's not the drugs that make the changes in your body, it's the particular activity of the cells themselves the drives the biological functions resulting the effects.
The short explanation: Steroids work by attaching to the cell's receptors and "turning on" the the switch that increases the rate at which cells make new proteins, which enable the cell to recover from injury fater adn with more efficiency, which cause an increase in muscle cell size and strength. That's teh therapeudic effect. But steroids don't just affect the muscle cells; steroids also can have a wide range of non-therapeudic consequences (side effects) on different organs of the body, especially the the liver, kidneys and skin.
Used properly, steroids can result in some spectacular gains. Used inappropriately and you can do some real damage. Just like cheeseburgers!
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