
Important: For Steroids You Used!

Important: For steroids you used!

There is no effort without effect, therefore in the case of steroid use, the side effect is decreased body hormone production. Once you are using steroids, your body stops producing its own testosterone, and  the body no longer produces testosterone for a period of time, thing that may cause muscle mass loss, so it is very important to make the body to start producing its own testosterone as soon as possible.
The way this works varies, it depends on each body, so it is important to choose a post cycle therapy that suits you.
Post cycle therapy means the use of drugs that will restore hormonal balance in the body, after a cycle of anabolic steroids and androgens.
Clomed and tamoxifen are drugs that can be applied post-cycle to restore testosterone production. These drugs stops estrogen to act on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland so it prevents negative feedback. These substances lead to increased LH and follicle that stimulates hormone in the body. Increased LH stimulates Leydig cells in the testes causing to produce testosterone.
For some people may be sufficient to use only Tamoxifen to  restore testosterone production. 
Some users use Clomed in the middle of a cycle in order to increase the testosterone that is not completely stalled at the end of the cycle. His only property in case it is used in the middle of a cycle is antiestrogenic.
Clomed acts only when androgen levels are low enough, and this depends on the half life of the steroids.

Buy steroid raws, welcome to contact.
Emai: sara@ok-biotech.com
Skype: amy@ok-biotech.com
Whatsapp: +8618948752730

