
How to Boost Your Testosterone Levels (the Natural Way)

How to Boost Your Testosterone Levels (the Natural Way)
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Testosterone is the hormone every man wants, but – bad news alert – testosterone levels are falling fast and our lifestyles are to blame. Average levels are 15% lower than they were 15 years ago, according to research published in the Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism. So it's no surprise that we get a lot of questions from readers asking how to boost their levels. It’s vital for building muscle, maintaining healthy levels help you burn body fat, and a timely surge of “T” can spike your libido for increased sexual satisfaction. But levels tend to decline after you’re 30, with symptoms ranging from fatigue and depression to loss of sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Nothing good, basically.

What is Testosterone?

Levels of T, the primary male sex hormone responsible for making you look, feel and perform like a man, peak in your late 20s, then start to decline. Low levels are linked to a loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, lower energy levels and low libido. The recent trend for plummeting average levels is down to our sedentary lifestyles and poor diet. Here are some simple changes you can make to keep your T levels up.

You don’t need to turn to the black market for vials of man-mojo, though – instead, you can start by taking a good look at your diet. “Food plays a big part in hormonal dysfunction,” says rehabilitation therapist Claud Serjeant. “Eating the wrong things can increase oestrogen and decrease testosterone.”

So what should you be eating and drinking? “Full-fat milk is a good one,” Serjeant says. “The nutrients in milk help raise testosterone and many of them are fat-soluble, so full-fat is much better than skimmed. And it’s far preferable to soy milk, which some tests have shown to raise oestrogen. Other foods to eat include wild-caught salmon, which is particularly rich in T-boosting omega 3 fats, and leafy vegetables high in zinc like chard and spinach. Avoid processed meats and fizzy drinks, which contain ingredients that cause testosterone to fall.”

Here are 17 more ways you can increase your testosterone levels.

1. Get Some Sun

You don’t only make hay when the sun shines – you also make vitamin D when your skin’s exposed to the sun’s rays. Men with adequate levels of vitamin D have higher testosterone levels and are stronger, leaner and healthier than those who were deficient, according to the European Journal Of Endocrinology. More than half the UK’s adult population has a deficiency. To counter this, the NHS recommends getting ten to 15 minutes of sun exposure on your forearms and legs daily, and eating more oily fish, meat and eggs, which are among the few foods that contain vitamin D.

2. HIIT it

Exercise can increase levels of free testosterone, and the more you have the greater the muscle-building and fat-burning benefit. To get the biggest boost keep training sessions short and the intensity high. A study comparing 45 minutes of high-intensity with steady-state training found a significantly higher increase in free T levels in the HIIT group, according to the Journal Of Endocrinological Investigation.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Stave off the “manopause” by getting more shut-eye. Men who got only four hours’ sleep a night had 60% less testosterone in their blood than those subjects who got a solid eight hours, according to the Journal Of Andrology. Improve sleep duration and quality by keeping your bedroom dark and cool, and turn your tablet and mobile to night-time mode to shift the display settings away from short-wave blue – numerous studies have shown this light can suppress the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

4. Slim Down

One reliable way to increase testosterone production is to reduce your waistline. Multiple studies have shown a link between obesity and low testosterone levels in men at all ages, including teenagers. In one study, published by the Endocrine Society, 900 men with low testosterone followed a training programme comprising 150 minutes of exercise a week as well as a calorie-controlled diet. After a year the average weight loss was 7.8kg, while testosterone levels doubled.

5. Lift Weights

Testosterone levels are at their highest 48 hours after lifting weights, according to a study at Baylor University in the US. And the harder you train, the more you increase your natural levels of testosterone, so base your training around compound exercises such as squats, bench presses and seated rows using heavy weights.

6. Watch Football

Men who watch their favourite sporting team compete experience a similar testosterone surge to the players, say researchers at the University of Utah. They found that a fan’s testosterone levels increased by 20% when his team won but fell 20% when they lost. So avoid watching England games and you should be fine.

7. Eat Good Fats

By “good” fats we mean the monounsaturated and omega 3 type – found in avocados, nuts and oily fish – that help your body preserve protein. A study in the Journal Of Applied Physiology found that men who ate recommended amounts of these foods had the highest testosterone levels.

The other 10 ways would be post in next article.

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